Taking a closer look at California’s actual water supply, consider that in 2009, 84 percent of normal precipitation resulted in a mere 10 percent water allocation to residents south of the Delta. Since the implementation of CVPIA, the same environmental groups that lobbied in favor for CVPIA are now claiming that there is not enough water in California to meet the population demand. Additionally, CVPIA stipulated that another 400,000 acre-feet of water be diverted to wildlife refuges every year. In short, CVPIA specified that 800,000 acre-feet of water (or 260 billion gallons) on the Central Valley’s west side was to be diverted to environmental causes every year. In fact, the water shortage can be attributed to detrimental water policy like the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA).ĬVPIA was passed in Congress in 1992 with wide-ranging support from the NRDC, the Sierra Club, and other local environmentalist groups.

However, the water shortage is not the direct result of any natural occurrence rather it is the deliberate consequence of the radical agenda of environmentalist groups such as the NRDC, the Sierra Club, and many local environmental groups in California.

The California water crisis has media pundits and politicians blaming the water shortage on a three-year-long drought. It is worth understanding what these policies mean and how they affect not only California, but the rest of the country. The burden that water policies in California have had on taxpayers is often overlooked and widely misunderstood. The effort to remove such a vast amount of farmland from production was due to an effort to save a 3-inch long minnow called the Delta Smelt. you said" * he came running towards you ready to punch your face, but you blocked it again, you used your hand plam placed to his chin pusing him up high, you punch his stomach and he was sent flying back, the crowd went quite cuz the toughest guy lost* "THE WINNER IS _(AVATOR NAME)_!!! *the crowd went wild* ".I-I won.In the summer of 2002, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and several other local environmental activist groups in California announced their radical agenda to combat the “drought” in California by removing 1.3 million acres of farmland from production in the San Joaquin Valley. *beep beep* "One message from OZ" "Eh?.I wonder who send me a message." you said *as you open you _(ur pc)_* *In big bold letters it said from "KING KAZMA"* "EHH!!!" *you screamed a bit* "K-King Kazma sended me a message!!" * you got up a circled around the trainstation* (ur on the train to the Jinnouchi house) *you click on the message, it said "KING KAZMA IS HOLDING A MATCH TODAY, ALL WHO COME TO BATTLE TOUGH CHALLENGERS" you think* *you click the OK to the message, and you are sended to the match but yet you realize you are in it* "TO THE RIGHT WE HAVE KILLER WOLF VS _avator name)_ " *you stand there surprised because you didn't realize you were fighting the Killer Wolf he is the type of person you don't want to mess with, but to late now cuz your going to fight him* -Im going to die.-you thought- "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!" *the crowd was watching as Killer Wolf made his way with his "Killer Punch", you blocked his punch, and you jumped up amd kicked him in the face, he went flying back far* "_(AVATOR NAME)_ SENT KILLER WOLF FLYING!!" *the crowd went wild, even King Kazma stood on the edge of his seat of his thorn* -K-King Kazma is watching me fight! you thought- "You going to pain, little girl!" The wolf said. how are you doing in America?" -I'm lonely, I miss you, hope everyone remembers me.- you said to youself. So you were excited but a bit sad because its summer and you won't spent time with your parernts since they are working in America for the summer.

Its been 10 years since you seen your childhood friend Kazuma. So you spent most your time over the Family house during the summer. The Jinnouchi Family and your Family are really close friends. " means talking * means doing - means thoughts Authors note~ I don't own Summer wars I watched it on Toonami lasted week on Saturday XD hope you guys enjoy~